Wondering who made this site?


This is the place where we reveal a little about ourselves.

Lark wrote a novel.

Quiet, you.

Ugh, I have to talk about myself now? Heh, all right. Well, my name is Lauren, but I use Lark as my nickname. She was the first orginial character I made up when I used to write Star Wars stories. And obviously, I love to write, and I love yaoi, which is what this paragraph is mostly about. I've been writing since the second grade, when I wrote a story called "Candy Land". It was a few pages long and it had a few illustrations even. Well, drawing talent hasn't changed much, but my writing talent (I hope?) has. I don't consider myself a *terrific* author. I consider myself a *good* one. I have a lot of doubts about the stuff I write and am VERY paranoid about it, but I try my best and am a total perfectionist. I hate 75% of the stuff I write. Most of the fanfic I write is Final Fantasy 7. Anyway, I'm pretty new to anime, final fantasy and yaoi. My friend Jackie, who drew all the pretty pictures of Michelle and me on this page, got me into Gundam Wing. I was looking it up online one way, when I ran across something called 'yaoi'. I had no idea what it was, so I read the warning, and I thought "guys kissing guys? *pause* All right!" And I've been hooked ever since. I used to read Gundam Wing yaoi like crazy, but I've kinda backed off on that. I'm not really into the pilots too much anymore. Now my favorite types of yaoi are Final Fantasy 7 and Fake. I still like Gundam Wing yaoi, of course, and I also like Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 6, Fushigi Yugi, and Trigun (when I can find it...*growls*). I just recently got introduced to Fake. Jackie (she's the best) got me the OVA for Christmas, and I immediately fell in love with it. I promptly went online and bought up all the manga. I used to take Japanese in school, but I can't read much of it, but it doesn't matter. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? ^_^ So Fake is currently my favorite anime, followed by Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yugi, Trigun and yes, I like Pokemon. >.< You can stop making fun of me now! I also like Nightwalker and Sailor Moon. My favorite yaoi pairings are: VincentxSephiroth (from FF7), ReevexTseng (from FF7), TreizexZechs (GW), DeexRyo (Fake), and VashxWolfwood (Trigun...it's so rare tho! *sniff*) I also like TrowaxQuatre (I used to get beat up for it from my fellow webmistress! That's GW, of course), CloudxZack (FF7), SeiferxZell (FF8),  LagunaxKiros (FF8), KujaxZidane, (FF9--they're not *really* brothers!), NurikoxHotohori (Fushigi Yugi) and TomoxNakago (Fushigi Yugi ...I don't know why I like this one *shrugs*) Then there are the pairings I *don't* like. My least favorite, and the only pair I absolutely will *not* read, is WufeixTreize. *shudders* So wrong. Treize goes with Zechs! Zechs!! *cough* Anyway, I'm not too big on HeeroxDuo either (although Michelle is) and I'm not too fond of VincentxCid (I have no idea where people got the idea to write them together from, and I have read some good fics about them, but I still think Vincent goes with Sephy-sama ^_^)  I'm not too into anything involving Tamahome or Chichiri (again, not together, but with anyone!) in FY either. So that's the story there. As for my favorite characters, in FF7 I like Sephiroth, Vincent, Reeve, Tseng and Rufus, though I rarely put Rufus in yaoi at all. I like all those characters pretty equally, although I maintain Rufus is my favorite. ^_^ In FF8 it's Irvine all the way, but I'm not too fond of him in yaoi. Zell's my yaoi guy, and my second favorite character in FF8. I also like Seifer, Squall and Laguna about the same. And in FF6, I love Edgar. Tho, not paired in yaoi with his brother Sabin. *shudders* Kefka...is gross. >.< In Gundam Wing, I worship Treize, and too a lesser extent, Zechs. Those two belong together. ^_^ They're not evil either!! And my favorite pilot is Heero. And I'd rather see him with Duo any day of the week than Relena. I'm not too fond of Wufei, he's my least favorite of the pilots, but sometimes I find him amusing, even if I don't like him much. Okay, next, is Fake. I love both Dee and Ryo, but I love Ryo more. I worship the man. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. He's just the sweetest thing!! And I really like Dee too, I mean, the man is not very secretive with his feelings, and I just love that about him. Also, I like JJ. He's so funny. ^^ Now onto Trigun. I love Wolfwood. LOVE him. And Vash is awesome too. The villian guy--whose name I can *never* remember--is *very* hot. ^^ In FY I like all the obscure secondary characters, and Tasuki. My favorites are Tomite, Hikitsu, Tatara and Tokaki. I tend to not like girl characters in anything very much. I'm weird like that. Whew, okay, that's enough of that. What else about me? I'm in college, I live in the Northeast, I'm an Aries, my favorite band is Splendor, and I want to be a screenwriter. Maybe. We'll see. I might change my mind.
Soulbonds: Tseng (especially Tseng. I love him to *death*!), Reeve (another favorite of mine), Vincent, Sephiroth, Rufus
Things that I hate: Narrow minded people, Scary movies, Seafood, The Dave Matthews Band
Things that I like: Creative people, Comedies, Cheese, Blessid Union of Souls 

If it weren't for my sister and her crazy ramblings about FF7 and that really cute pic of 'Tickle Me Barrett', I dount I would even
know what FF7 is. But after hours of obessive game-playing...here I am. I have my own theories on the game and it's characters- it really is the best FF game, my favorite to write about. It's similar with Gundam Wing... that became an obession as well (just ask Lark ^_~) And then there came the yaoi... 0_0 you should've seen my face when Lark told me what it was >.< Oh dear.... but I like it now ^_^ (I've been thoroughly brainwashed)  I take great pride in my work and enjoy what I do (otherwise I wouldn't be aspassionate as I am about this site!)  Aside from that, I love to do other creative writing. My ambition is to be a novelist one day because writing is my life (as you can see on my original site) And, of course, I *LOVE* playing video games, going online to talk to my friends and work on my sites and all the other randomly normal things people tend to do while awake.... ^_^"
