This explains how the fics on this site are rated.

We rate the fics using a six tier system. All fics that contain yaoi are clearly labelled as well.

G Rating: Fics that carry the G rating contain no bad language, little violence, and almost no sexual content. We're talking kissing on the cheek and holding hands here.

PG Rating: Fics that carry the PG rating contain very little bad language, some violence, and some sexual content, nothing more than kissing.

PG-13 Rating: Fics that carry the PG-13 rating contain some bad language, bloody violence and sexual content that amounts to nothing more than some kissing and groping.

PG-15 Rating: Fics that carry the PG-15 rating contain moderate bad language, some fairly intense violence, and sexual content considered lime.

R Rating: Fics that carry the R rating contain lots of bad language, intense violence, and sexual content that is heavy lime.

NC-17 Rating: Fics that carry the NC-17 rating contain sexual content that is considered lemon, meaning it is graphic.
