Twilight Time
recorded by The Platters
by: Buck Ram
by: Morty Nevins, Al Nevins and Artie Dunn
Vincent Valentine was dead. Dead in body, at least, for his spirit body was still very alive. He traveled to the lifestream where he could start in happiness...for eternity....
"Heavenly shades of night are falling, it's twilight time."
Vincent could swear he heard a familiar voice calling him beyond all measures of time and space....
"Out of the mist your voice is calling, it's twilight time."
Vincent shut his eyes and let the familiar warmth of the voice wrap around his body. A moan absently escaped his throat as an infamous name registered in his mind. Sephiroth......
"When purple colored curtains mark the end of day
I'll hear you, my
dear, at twilight time."
The next moment gave way to the sighting of a familiar shadow breaking through the purple haze. The muscular build and flowing, angelic silver hair was pleasingly familiar, but there was a missing glow behind those stinging green eyes. "Sephiroth," breathed the former Turk, crimson colored eyes set in amazement upon the approaching figure. "...Jenova...?"
The younger man put a finger to his thin lips. "Shush. There is no talk of that here." He paused and smiled faintly. "Welcome to eternity, my dearest friend."
"Deepening shadows gather splendor as day is done."
"My Sephiroth," sighed Vincent, drinking in the form of the man he knew from long ago. "How long as it been?"
Sephiroth reached out and took both of his lovers hands in his. The alterations of Hojo, along with every other worry, fear or scar, had been left behind in the other world. "There is no concept of time here, my Vincent." He drew the older man closer. "The Nightmare has ended."
"Fingers of night will soon surrender the setting sun."
Sephiroth drew closer to Vincent as he continued speaking, "I have waited for you, Vincent." His breath cooled Vincent's skin. "I have waited for the day where I could stand together with you in serenity." He smiled, looking down into the other man's eyes. "It is always twilight here, my love. Here there is no stress of the day or fears of the night." The younger man lovingly brushed some of Vincent's hair back behind his ear. "Here there is peace."
"I count the moments, darling till you're here with me.
Together at last
at twilight time."
"My angel," Vincent breathed, caressing Sephiroth's angular face. "I knew, someday, we would meet again and have a chance to be together."
Sephiroth nuzzled his face into Vincent's hand. "I never stopped loving you."
"Nor I," replied Vincent, "have *ever* stopped loving you."
"Here in the afterglow of day, we keep our rendezvous beneath the blue
Here in the same
and sweet old way I fall in love again as I did then."
As their bodies melded together, their lips reached out, eager to capture the touch they longed for. At first the kiss was tentative, as they made sure this was the person they had dreamed about. As the territory became more familiar the kiss deepened and grew increasingly passionate. As their tongues danced the familiar steps remembered from the past, the long lost lovers moaned low in their throats, enjoying the pleasure they had lived their lives for. Each tongue stroke was electric, and Vincent was reminded of the first time he had ever kissed this beautiful angel.
"Deep in the dark you kiss will thrill me like days of old
Lighting the spark
of love that fills me with dreams untold."
They drew apart, just to hold a tight embrace as the lifestream grew increasingly brighter around them.
"I prayed I'd finally see you when I arrived," the former Turk said softly.
Sephiroth tilted his head back and shut his eyes, letting a warm glow fall across his face. " love. I would do anything possible to be with you."
"Each day I pray for evening just to be with you
Together at last
at twilight time."
"I am sorry to keep you waiting long, my angel," Vincent apologized, running a hand over his lover's chiseled body.
"Mmmmm," Sephiroth moaned, tracing the older man's body with his fingertips. "It was well worth the wait. But forget time, my love. It has no meaning now." He bent down to place kisses along Vincent's jaw.
Memories and sensations came flooding back to the crimson eyed man, and he felt as though he was falling in love all over again.
"Here in the afterglow of day we keep our rendezvous beneath the blue.
Here in the sweet
and same old way I fall in love again as I did then."
Vincent turned his head and claimed his lover's lips once again. This was every dream, every fantasy, every wish. Sephiroth removed his lips from the other man's and instead placed loving kisses on his lover's eyelids and neck. Lustful moans escaped Vincent's throat as he sighed, "I am so in love with you, my Sephiroth."
Sephiroth held Vincent tighter against him. "Your love is the only love I have ever received, and it is all I need," he spoke between kisses.
"Deep in the dark your kiss will thrill me like days of old
Lighting the spark
of love that fills with dreams untold."
"My Sephiroth, there is something I cannot understand."
The silver haired man looked into his lover's eyes. "What is it?"
"What has become of the Jenova in you? And my deformities?" he asked, "why have they vanished?"
"Why, my Vincent, this is eternity, where every prayer is answered, and everything unwanted is banished." He smiled. "I am free, my love. Free of Jenova and free to be with you."
day I pray for evening just to be with you.
Together at last at twilight time."
Sephiroth whispered, "together, at last, at twilight time."
leaned in to kiss his winged angel. "Yes, at last."
The End