Reeve watched him curiously for a moment. Standing in the bathroom door, just observing his friend. The Turk, clad only in black boxers, sat atop the covers, concentrating on the paper in his lap, ankles crossed. He's so beautiful, Reeve thought with a contented sigh. What did I ever do to deserve this?
"Hmn." Reeve smiled, and he climbed into bed besides the Turk, pressing a kiss next to his eye. "You're beautiful, you know that?" Again he kissed the side of his face, sucking gently.
The Turk sighed, placing the paper aside. "You're much more beautiful."
"You're all I need," Tseng breathed against his friend's lips.
Reeve moaned, falling forward to let their mouth's fuse together, drawing the other man's tongue into his own mouth.
The Turk pulled away, holding his friend's face in his hands. "I love you so much, Reeve. Too, too much."
"Ow," Tseng whispered, shifting his body and taking Reeve's hand off his hip and into his own.
Reeve drew away with a look of concern. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he caressed that smooth, milky white cheek.
The Turk nuzzled into that hand. "No.... Uh... It's just..." He moved his hands down to his waist and turned the edge of his shorts down to reveal a nasty bruise, a mixture of deep blues and black. "It still hurts."
Reeve put his finger over it, letting it just whisper on the skin. "Heidegger."
Tseng groaned, shifting his hips. "Who else?"
The Turk groaned once more, a look of discomfort crossing his face. "Ah... Reeve... Don't..."
"Hmn." Reeve frowned, leaning over to kiss the black and blue lightly, then sucking gently upon it.
"Ah!" hissed the Turk, tangling his hands in Reeve's hair. "Oh, Reeve.... Reeve..." His head fell back as he gasped.
The older man removed his lips from the Turk's hip and instead began sucking upon that smooth, pale throat. "I'm sorry you're hurt. Let me try and make it better."
"You're doing a good job," the younger one breathed.
"Hm." Reeve smiled, straddling his friend and leaning over to kiss his parted lips. Love you.
Reeve responded silently, taking his friend's lips again more insistently. His hands slid down over two powerful arms, then came forward, pushing up against the heated skin of the young man's muscular chest. Moaning in a lustful way, he let his fingers dance lower, feeling the muscles shift under his touch. "Gods, Tseng," he commented, parting their lips once more. "You're so muscular. You put me to shame."
Tseng chuckled, sliding his hands up and down Reeve's upper arms. "I didn't get this body overnight. I had to work hard for it."
Cracking a smile, Reeve went to claim his friend's lips again. "So you can impress all those girls you don't want, right?"
"Mmm," was the muffled comment as his mouth was once again covered by the older man's.
Reeve blinked. "What?"
Tseng rested his hands on his friend's thighs, gazing into his eyes. "You don't have to do this."
The older man cupped his hands around the younger man's neck and brought their faces close together. "Because I want to." He kissed him gently.
"But--" Tseng protested.
"Shush, no questions," Reeve whispered, kissing him again.
The older man was intrigued. "What's that?"
The Turk almost smirked. "You have to get off me, love."
Grumbling playfully, Reeve did so, and he watched his lover get up and go over to a chest of drawers.
"Close your eyes."
"Oh, come on!" protested Reeve.
With a sigh Reeve listened and shut his dark green eyes.
The Turk chuckled lowly as he came over and sat besides his friend. "All right, Reeve. Open your pretty eyes."
"Happy birthday, Reeve." The younger man leaned over to kiss him lingeringly on the cheek. "Didn't think I'd forgotten, did you?" He ate gently at the older man's skin.
"I was trying to forget myself!" Reeve exclaimed, picking up the gift. "I thought if I didn't remind you you'd forget." Tseng was still concentrating on lightly sucking on the side of his friend's face. "One year older..." He gasped, lightly leaning in to his friend's ministrations. "Tseng... That is most distracting."
"Sorry," the Turk apologized as he drew away, much to Reeve's disappointment. "Now go on. Read the card."
opened it, and read the card silently to himself.
Dear Reeve,
You wouldn't think it was possible, but with every year I love you more. I am so very thankful to have you in my life. Happy birthday, my beloved. And many, many more.
Love always,
The young Turk had tears creeping up in his eyes as he quickly took Reeve's hand and squeezed it. "And you know it's true, Reeve. Every word of it." Then he shied away, wiping away a stray tear. "Go on and read the rest."
The rest? Curiously, Reeve opened the box, and on top of the tissue paper lay a piece of paper in Tseng's handwriting. "Oh... Tseng... This can't be..." With shaking hands, Reeve lifted the poem out of the box. How can he be so wonderful?
He read it.
For Reeve:
Your name makes me
I love you so much
I can never say it
You make life worth
I need you so much
I can never get enough
You always amaze me
I'd do anything
I can never tell you
You always hold me
I just tend to cry
I can never love you
"I'm not much of a poet," Tseng was saying softly. "A friend of mine once wrote me poetry. It was beautiful. I just wish I could write you beautiful poetry."
"This..." the older man choked, trying to get the words out. "Tseng, this is..." He finally turned to his friend, who stared stunned back at him. "I... I can't even..." He stopped and stared blankly a moment before blurting out, "gods, how can you be so perfect?"
" it?" asked the Turk meekly.
"I could never thank you enough. There--there--there aren't *words*, Tseng." Reeve reached out and took the younger man's hand. "I'm touched. I love it. Thank you. I'll keep it with me. Always." Leaning forward he kissed his lover ever so gently. "Always," he whispered against pink lips before kissing him again.
Tseng smiled faintly. "Open your present."
"Hm." Reeve pulled back the tissue paper and reached into the box.
Dream the Impossible
Inside the box was a beautiful pen, with 'dream the impossible' engraved on the clip.
"Oh, Tseng. This is beautiful." He read the words again and again. "I love it." He turned to look at the Turk. "Thank you."
"I'm glad you like it, Reeve." Tseng leaned forward to brush his lips against his friend's forehead. "Now put it aside so I can kiss you."
Gently Reeve placed his gift on the floor, leaning back as the younger man crawled atop him. "I still can't believe you actually remembered my birthday. I didn't want you to go through any trouble..."
"No trouble," the Turk assured him, kissing the side of his face. "Anything for you, Reeve. Anything you want."
"Yes, love?" the young man brushed some hair off his friend's forehead.
"I... I want you," he said quietly.
"You want me to make love to you, Reeve?" Gently he stroked the older man's chest.
"Ah... Yes...." Reeve confirmed, arching to the touch. "Want you... Badly..."
"And I want you," the Turk confirmed, nuzzling against his friend. "So badly, my love."
"Angel... My beautiful angel..."
The pair nuzzled against one another, as Vincent lay atop Sephiroth in his bed. The younger was still panting from the aftershocks of their lovemaking, arms wrapped around the Turk's neck.
" you....Vincent..." Sephiroth gasped, idly running fingers through black locks.
Vincent sucked lightly as his lover's pale, smooth neck, licking lightly at his sterile skin. "Beautiful, beautiful angel. My Sephiroth. Sephiroth... Love... Darling..." His hands glided over familiar muscles. "I can never stop touching you...angel..."
"Then don't," gasped Sephiroth, rocking against Vincent. "Don't ever stop, Vincent."
The Turk sighed, drawing away to meet the younger man's innocent green eyes. "Gods, Sephiroth," he whispered in amazement, fingers traveling through long, silver hair. "How can you be so perfect?"
The teenager smiled lightly, still stroking Vincent's hair. "Only in your eyes, Vincent. And you are perfect in mine."
The parting was reluctant, and their faces were still close.
Sephiroth took the older man's face in his hands and said softly, "since I was 12, Vincent."
"What's that?"
"That's how long I've loved you," he whispered. "Since I was 12. Even then I used to imagine you kissing me...touching me like this... I didn't know what to do with myself."
Vincent had to chuckle. "And how is it, angel? Just like you imagined it?"
"Better," whispered the younger, brushing his lips lightly against the Turks. "So much better, my Vincent."
"Mmm..." Vincent nuzzled against Sephiroth's neck. "You wore me out, angel."
The Turk smiled sleepily. "I won't rest yet, my Sephiroth. Not until you fall asleep in my arms."
Sephiroth blushed, diverting his gaze. "Vincent..."
"What, love?" the Turk laid his head on his lover's well defined chest.
"Can I... Can I tell you what my favorite fantasy used to be? How I imagined our first time together would be?"
Vincent snuggled closer. "Yes, please do."
Sephiroth stroked his lover's hair as he closed his eyes, replaying a scene that had once been so often performed. "I would be in bed, tossing and turning because I couldn't sleep. I was lonely and recovering from something else Hojo did to me. Just as I was about to cry, the door would open and it would be you standing there, Vincent. You, in your Turk uniform, looking so beautiful, as you always do." He smiled, kissing the top of the older man's head.
The Turk sat up, crimson eyes meeting electric green ones. The young man continued stroking Vincent's hair as he spoke.
"My eyes would widen, and I would ask 'what' breathlessly. Then you would lean in, bringing your face close to mine. I would shudder, reveling in the feel of your breath on my skin. Wanting you closer to me, I would moan softly, saying your name. You would push my hair back, lips inches from mine. Then you would freeze, searching my eyes for answers to questions you must have been holding in your heart for years."
"Angel..." The Turk passionately kissed his young lover's tears away. "Why are you crying?"
"Because..." the silver haired teenager was consumed with weeping. "Because, my *god*, Vincent---it's a dream come true."
"Oh, angel..." the Turk cradled the boy, holding him close as he let out his own sobs. "My Sephiroth..."
"No one ever loved me, Vincent! Not anyone! Not until you." He held onto his lover with an iron grip. "Never until you..." He sniffled back tears, head resting on the older man's shoulder. "Thank you, Vincent." He whispered, "thank you."
Sephiroth drew back, whispering, "Vincent..." and studying his lover's tear streaked face with wet eyes. He idly ran a finger over the smooth, pale skin of the Turk's jaw. "Oh, Vincent..."
"Angel..." the older man nipped at his lover's lower lip, feeding off of it before seizing Sephiroth's lips in a gentle kiss.
They kissed slowly, neither fighting for dominance as their tongues slid past one another.
"Vincent..." the younger pushed away from his lover, hands resting on a well sculpted chest. "I'm sorry for crying."
"Hm." With a tiny smile, the Turk caressed Sephiroth's pale cheek. "Cry all you like, angel. Crying makes us human. Never be ashamed of it."
"I love you." He once against rested his head on his lover's shoulder.
Vincent whispered, "never change," taking the back of that silver haired head again. "Stay just as you are."
Vincent chuckled. "I love you unconditionally, angel. No matter what happens--you will have my love. For this life into the next. Beyond either of our life spans, or the life span of this very planet." He turned to whisper softly in Sephiroth's ear. "That is something I hope you'll never forget."
"I don't understand why," was the young man's reply, hands snaking around Vincent's neck as he drew away from the embrace. "But it's no matter. I won't forget you love me, Vincent, and I hope you never forget I love you."
"Kesshite." Vincent whispered his promise, kissing Sephiroth again.
Vincent broke the kiss to instead slide his lips down Sephiroth's pale, smooth neck, moist with a sheen of sweat.
"I thought you were tired," Sephiroth teased lightly.
With a lusty moan the Turk broke away from his lover's sweet skin. "No," he panted, quickly kissing his angel once again. "Want you....again..."
"Ah...... Vincent...... Oh, Vincent..... Love you.... So amazing... Yes...." Green eyes were closed tight, fingers engulfed in jet black hair.
"No." The Turk caressed his lover's face with both hands. "He won't, angel. I'll make sure he won't. Forget Hojo."
"I'm sorry," the young man apologized, sighing as Vincent rained kisses over his face. "I just can't help it. It's always there, lurking in the back of my mind...." A light moan escaped his throat. "I just don't want to lose you."
"But Vincent--" he began to protest. The raven haired man held a lone finger to his lover's lips.
"Shush now, my angel." Gently he eased him back onto the pillows. "Let me pleasure you."
"Here. I'm right here." Tseng snuggled into his friend's outstretched arms, stroking back stray pieces of Reeve's black hair. "And I'm so happy to be with you."
"Hold me. Hold me tight," Reeve requested, drawing the Turk against him, eyes still shut.
"Yes. Yes, of course." The younger man kissed the executive's forehead. "I love you, Reeve."
Still not opening his eyes, Reeve caressed Tseng's face. "Tseng... Tseng, I..." Dark green eyes finally flickered open and met black ones. "You make me happy."
Vincent's body shuddered as he lay pressed against his lover. "Oh... What you do to me, angel."
Sephiroth yawned, eyes growing heavy lidded. "I'm so tired, Vincent."
"Then sleep," the Turk whispered, brushing long, silver locks away from cooling skin. "I'll hold you into the morning."
The young man nuzzled against Vincent. "I wish you could hold me like this forever."
The teenager yawned again, eyes falling closed. Vincent watched silently as his lover drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
"Yes," confirmed a breathless Reeve, still gently running his fingers back and forth across his friend's pale cheek. "You make me *very* happy, Tseng."
Tears brimmed in the young Turk's eyes, and he smiled shakily. "I'm so glad." He wiped at wet eyes. "I'm so glad, Reeve."
The older man said nothing and he hesitated a moment before drawing the young man tightly against him. "I love you", he mouthed, once more squeezing his eyes shut. Again he mouthed, "My god how I love you."
"Do you think we could freeze time?" Reeve whispered in his friend's ear.
The Turk had finished crying and he sniffled back tears as he replied, "if only I could."
Dark green eyes popped back open. "This was my best birthday ever."
"Really?" Tseng pulled back to look at him. "Really?"
"Yes." Reeve smiled shyly. "Thanks to you."
"Considering you wanted me to forget," the Turk teased with a smile.
"Never let me do that again." Reeve grinned, pulling his friend in for a kiss.
How do I love thee? Let me count the infinite ways you've warmed my heart and touched my soul. Number one...