Twenty years felt like a hundred. Rufus took a few sleeping pills, rubbed his bleary eyes and stumbled towards his bed, stripping off his clothing. The pills worked quickly, he knew, and was very glad of it. Sleep was a most welcome escape, and he most certainly needed it. Sure, poor little rich boy, crying over his millions. Rufus wasn't crying over money. He didn't give a damn about it. He was a poor little neglected rich boy, who for twenty years had no one to love him, and for twenty years had no one to love.
Curling up in the comfort of the fetal position, his blue eyes blinked closed easily, giving himself to the world of the unconscious.
When dreamin'
I'm guided thought another world
Time and time
There he was again as a child, smiling, laughing. He was with someone, someone older. Tall......silver hair....who?? He couldn't see the face, but he seemed to really like whoever it was.
A loud knocking at his bedroom door woke him. The noise dragged him out of his pleasant world and back into reality. Eyes open, he didn't move. If only he could have had a minute more. A minute more away from life meant so much.
At sunrise I fight
to stay asleep
Cause I don't
want to leave the comfort of this place
There was no desire to live this day, only a want--a physical need--to crawl under those covers and dream away his life. Dream away his life in a better place.
"Master Rufus? Are you up, sir?"
Rufus groaned, knowing he had to get up, but not having the heart for it. "In a minute..."
Cause there's
a hunger, a longing to escape
From the life
I live when I'm awake
What do I have to do today? See people *he* doesn't want to be bothered with? Well I don't want to be bothered with them either. I know....I'll fake sick. Won't be hard, considering every time I think of getting up my stomach turns and my head spins. I'll stay in bed....asleep...a few more pills and I'll be out for the day...
So let's go there
"Master Rufus?"
Let's make our escape
"I'm not feeling well today. I have a headache." He got out of bed and reached for the pills. "Cancel my appointments."
Come on let's go there
"Very well, sir." There was a hesitation. "Do you wish to see a doctor?"
He swallowed his passport to happiness. "No. I wish to be left alone."
"Yes, sir."
And he was.
Crawling back into his bed, the young man smiled, thoroughly content as he lay back upon the pillows. Left alone....he could stay almost as long as he wanted....
Let's ask can we stay?
He fell asleep
Can you take me higher?
And dreamt
To a place where blind men see
The same old simple scenes of happiness, smiles and laughter. Things other people took for granted. Things he never really had....
Can you take me higher?
It was too good to be true, and he knew it, even as he dreamt it. But it didn't matter. Everything was so real somehow. Real because he could see it. Real because he could hear it. It was all close enough, within his grasp, and all he needed was enough.
To the place with golden streets
He woke again, and rolled over on his back. Briefly he wondered what time it was, but the thought quickly was pushed from his mind. He could hear voices outside. People who wanted to talk to him probably. There were always a few. It was though he was a fucking charity. I hate this world. Everything runs on the dollar, and my father encourages it. He's a bastard. But if I could, I would change it. Till that day, if it ever comes, I'll stay here. My dreams put this existence to shame.
Although I would
like our world to change
It helps me to
Those nights
and those dreams
Rufus rolled over and closed his eyes. A new thought struck him. If I could ever make my dreams come true, I'd never need to sleep so badly again....and I wouldn't waste so many sleeping pills...
But my friend,
I'd sacrifice all those nights
If I could make
the Earth and my dreams the same
This time he drifted off without any aids.
Could it be he was still tired?
Tired of what?
Of the money?
Of the suck ups?
Of his father hating him?
Or was he just tired of dealing with himself?
The only difference
To let love replace
all our hate
Asleep again.
So let's go there
Again he dreamed
Let's make our escape
And smiled.
Come on, let's go there
There were no worries.
Let's ask can we stay?
No problems.
Can you take me higher?
No abandonment.
To a place where blind men see
No loneliness.
Can you take me higher?
Only simple happiness.
To the place with golden streets
But oh, if it was that simple...
Up high I feel like I'm alive for the very first time
...why couldn't he find it? Why couldn't he really *live*?
Up high I'm strong enough to take these dreams
Was there something he didn't understand? If only....
And make them mine
If only...
Can you take me higher?
If only he could find it...
To a place where blind men see
Find that secret...
Can you take me higher?
Then he could live.
To the place with golden streets.
He sat straight up in bed with a gasp, breathing hard. Now he was awake.