"...Alright, yes, I am a Shinra employee. But we're not entirely enemies....Something bothers me. I think it's your way of life. You don't get paid. You don't get praised. Yet, you still risk your lives and continue on your journey. Seeing that makes me...It just makes me think about my life. I don't think I'd feel too good if things ended the way they are now."
---Cait Sith, Final Fantasy VII


If you've come looking for Final Fantasy Seven, you're in the right place.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Final Fantasy Seven characters. If I did, I would be the happiest girl *ever*! Really. But unfortunatly, Sephiroth, Cloud, Vincent, Zack, Rufus, Reeve, Tseng, Reno, Rude, Elena, Tifa, Heidegger, Scarlet, Hojo, President Shinra, Barret, Cid, Yuffie, Aeris, Red XIII, and Cait Sith are not mine. Actually...I'm glad some of them aren't mine.

I love FinalFantasy. And I love yaoi. Final Fantasy Seven yaoi is my favorite, and so I write about it a lot.
Most of this stuff is yaoi.
I mainly focus on 2 main pairings, but I tinker with some others as well.

I can be reached here, if you have a comment, or a question.

Onto the the fanfiction. All of this fanfiction circles around Shinra.

I should make the point that says all my fanfiction is on the same timeline. It all goes together. Occasionally one fic will make reference to another fic. So if you want to get the whole story, it's best to suffer--er...I meant to read it all. ^^

This is ALL Final Fantasy VII.



Remnants of the Past
Alternate Universe Fics
