Destiny's Choice

    They were kissing.

    The two lovers, their arms around one another as they sat in bed, kissing in the aftermath of their lovemaking. They hadn't spoken at all throughout it, but Tseng has questions on his mind.

    "Oh... I love you..." Reeve breathed against his lover's parted lips. "How could I even *think* of leaving you forever?"

    "I'm so glad you came back. I might've died of depression." He traced Reeve's shoulder with a finger in fascination. "I never thought it was possible." He looked up. "To fall in love so fast."

    "Nor did I," whispered Reeve, meeting his eyes and taking both of his lover's hands between his own. "Before I came back I called my father and told him I wouldn't be home for awhile, and when he saw me again I'd probably be married."

    "Definitely," Tseng assured him, pressing a kiss to his hand. "Don't think I would ever say no."

    "Just let me get a ring and propose properly," he muttered, leaning in to kiss his love.

    Their lips were just about to touch once more, they were halted by the sound of a door slamming.

    Reeve shot Tseng a curious look.

    "Bryatt," explained the younger men. "He's home."

    "Tseng?!" It was Bryatt's voice calling.

    "In here, Bryatt," Tseng replied, stroking Reeve's cheat as he turned to smile at him.

    Reeve smiled back.

    "Tseng, I--" The door opened, and Bryatt's sentence was cut short by the site to behold. "Oh my god." He looked at Reeve, still besides himself with shock. "You came back."

    "I couldn't stay away." He was still smiling fondly at Tseng.

    "Oh god. You came back!" said Bryatt again, growing more excited. "This is wonderful! This is beautiful! What a story! I'm so happy for you, Tsengy!" He paused, then snapped his fingers. "I'm going to write a book. All this has given me so much inspiration."

    Another voice in the background called, "Bryatt? What's going on?"

    "Ben?" said Tseng.

    "And Darren," Bryatt told him. "I brought them back here to cheer you up. Apparently you don't need it."

    Tseng smiled. "Go on and tell them. We'll be out in a minute."

    Bryatt nodded, and turned. "I still don't believe it." He shut the door.

    "You think he was shocked?" kidded Reeve.

    Tseng kissed him, climbing out of bed. "Only a little." Picking up his clothes, he was still smiling. "I still can't believe you're here."

    "Nowhere else I'd rather be."

    Once dressed, Tseng picked up Reeve's clothing, still soaked with rain water. "These will have to dry. Did you leave your bags at the port?"

    Reeve nodded. "I can go back for those later."

    "You can wear some of my clothes for now." He went to get some. "They should fit."

    Once they had both dressed, they went into the living room where the others had gathered, hand in hand.

    Ben was on his feet in a second. "This is so great!" He hugged both Reeve and Tseng. "So great."

    "Fairy tale ending, wouldn't you say?" Darren added, shaking their hands.

    "I would say so," added Bryatt. "The four of you are all in my new book."

    "Congratulations," Tseng said to his friends. "Bryatt told me you're getting married.

    Ben smiled and nodded while Darren blushed.

    "That's wonderful. Congratulations," Reeve added.

    "Guess which one's the bride," Bryatt teased, tugging on Darren's sleeve.

    "I'm not wearing a dress," Darren insisted. "It's just a title. I get to walk down the aisle."

    "Do I get to be the maid of honor then?" chuckled the author, blue eyes sparkling.

    "Ha ha," Darren spoke dryly, but with a smile appearing on his lips. "You're full of laughs, Bryatt."

    "Actually..." Ben began a bit hesitantly, glancing at Tseng, "Darren and I were wondering something."

    "Right," Darren agreed, looking at Tseng too. "It's about the house."

    Tseng raised an eyebrow. "What about it?"

   "Well... We can't live at the hotel forever...and we were wondering if....just till we got our own place..."

    "Sure," Tseng answered without hesitation. "You can live here."

    The two men exhaled the breaths they had been holding.

    "Thank you."

    "Yeah, thanks so much. We really appreciate it."

    "Sure. Well, there are three bedrooms. Reeve and I have one--you two can have the other, and Bryatt can have his own room."

    "Poor lonely Bryatt," he sighed dramatically, falling down on the couch. "Nobody wants him."

    "In that case, you can live on the street," kidded him giving him a good natured kick.

"Should be interesting," he continued, smiling. "Five gay guys living in the same house."

    "Actually," Reeve spoke up after clearing his throat, "I'm bi."

    They all turned to look at him, blinking in shock.

    "Really?" gaped Ben.

    Reeve nodded. "I prefer women, usually, but...." he looked at Tseng. "God, not anymore."

    Tseng blushed.

    "Well this is interesting." Bryatt leaned back in his chair. "Tell him how many women you've kissed, Tseng."

    Tseng laughed.

    "That would be a big, fat zero. Tseng was born gay. Even Darren kissed one girl."

    "Ugh," Darren commented. "One was enough."

    "Ben's actually slept with one," Tseng told Reeve.

    "It's how I knew I was gay," the accountant joked.

    "You've never slept with a woman, Bryatt?" asked Reeve.

    Bryatt shuddered. "Oh no. Kissing I could manage. Sex would make me sick."

    Reeve laughed.

    Ben checked his watch. "We better go check out of the hotel..." He met eyes with Tseng. "Are you sure this is okay?"

    "Ben, you helped me pay for the place," Tseng reminded him. "Of course it's okay."

    The older man smiled. "You're great, Tseng. Thanks." Taking Darren's hand, Ben took a step or two towards the door. "We'll be back in an hour or so."

    "Thanks so much again, Tseng." That was Darren before the couple left the premises.

    "This should be fun," Bryatt stood. "We've never all lived together."

    "This should be *very* interesting," Tseng agreed. "I'm assuming you'll be staying in Wutai for awhile."

    "I'm planning on it. I need to use you four as inspiration for my book."

    "This should be some book," Reeve commented. "I look forward to reading it."

    "Thank you. I look forward to writing it." They all laughed. "That, and I have to look into that kid: Reno."

    "Oh right," nodded Tseng.

    Reeve raised an eyebrow. "What's this about?"

    "I'll explain later," Tseng promised.

    "I'll leave you two alone." The author headed for the door. "I've got calls to make. Oh yeah, and just remember..." He stopped in the doorway, leaning against it. "Sex must be confined to the bedrooms."

    Tseng just had to laugh.

    The two newly reunited lovers returned to the boat dock, strolling hand in hand and taking their time,

    "We should show up at Mr. Valentine's door, just like this," Reeve decided, picturing the scene with a sweeping gesture. "I think he would--no, I *know* he would be happy to see us together."

    "Yes, we'll have to," Tseng agreed, pushing open the door to the building. "Now let's get your bags and go home so I can make love to you."

    "Ooh. I'll be extra quick."

    The rain had let up a little, but it was still misty out. The two men shook the dampness from their clothes as they stepped inside. Reeve headed straight for the baggage area while Tseng just hung back in the doorway.

    Look at him, he thought, a small smile crossing his lips as he sighed and leaned against the wall. Who could have predicted this? God, he's so beautiful. I know my family will just love him--oh right, speaking of that, I still have to *tell* them! This is all happening so fast, but I've never felt so sure.

    Reeve returned, draped in bags and smiling from ear to ear, green eyes glittering. A PHS was clutched in his hand. "Hey there, beautiful."

    "I missed you," Tseng teased lightly, but honestly, as he pecked his lover on the lips. "Oh--you don't mind if I kiss you in public, do you?"

    "Kiss me, hug me, hold my hand, you could even have your way with me right here and I would be fine with it." Reeve returned the kiss.

    Tseng moaned softly, commenting, "Another minute and I just might."

    "I love you." Another short kiss.

    "I love you too." He sighed, running a hand through his lover's hair.

    Reeve smiled at him and held up the PHS. "I have a message."

    "Oh? From who?"

    "I haven't listened to it yet, but most likely my father with a million questions about why I'm not coming back to Kalm." He started pressing some buttons.

    "You're pretty close to them, aren't you?"

    "Well, we live in the same city, so I stop by and visit quite often. Like I said, my mother died when I was small, so he was pretty much all I had." He pressed another button and held the phone out. "Let's see what he has to say."

    "Reeve? This is your father." Reeve smiled and chuckled quietly. "I'm still confused, Reeve. You're giving up your job? What happened in Wutai? What woman are you bringing home? Look--call me back soon, please. Bye."

    "That's my father." He put the PHS away.

    "Woman?" Tseng laughed quietly. "I"m guessing he doesn't know."

    Reeve shook his head. "No, but he will." Taking Tseng's hand he added, "He definitely will. I love you."

    Tseng grinned, giving his lover's hand a squeeze and a tug. "I love you too--and as soon as we get home, I'll show you just how much."

    Reeve eagerly followed.

    "Ugh...oh...oh, Tseng..."

    "Reeve..mmm...I love you..."

    "Love you too."

    Tseng leaned in, kissing his lover deeply and straddling him. Their arms wound around one another and they were pressed close, flushed and sweaty from another round of love making.

    "Mmm... When are you going to call your father back?" he pressed kisses down Reeve's neck.

    "Ah... Later today, I promise." He shut his eyes, enjoying the feel of Tseng's lips on his skin. "Ah... I have a question for you love."

    "Yes?" A short kiss to the lips.

    "How many times did you usually have sex when you were with Ben?"

    Tseng chuckled. "Five times a week? Sometimes move." He sucked on the side of Reeve's neck and managed between the actions of his lips. "Mmm... I have a lot of stamina, in case you haven't noticed."

    "Oh, I noticed," chuckled Reeve, tightening his arms around the younger man. "But I'm  the same, so..." He laughed some more.

    "Mmm... I'm going to take you again," Tseng mumbled, kissing down the older man's chest and ducking under the covers.

    Reeve moaned, arching his back a little. "Oh, Tseng... *God* you're incredible."

    Just at the height of anticipation, there came a knock at the door. Tseng stopped, poking his head out and turning towards the door. "Who is it?"

    "It's me," came Bryatt's voice. "Ben and Darren are moving in, just to let you know."

    "Oh, thanks, Bryatt! We'll be out in a minute."

    "Take your time." Footsteps faded away.

    Tseng turned back to Reeve. "How's five minutes sound?" He ever so slowly placed the other man's legs over his shoulders and leaned down.

    "Oh yeah. Sounds great."

    The last of the boxes were being brought in when Tseng and Reeve emerged ten minutes later, still dressing. Bryatt looked at them with a smile, shaking his head slowly.

    "Have you two turned into rabbits? Good things you don't need birth control, you'd be buying in bulk."

    Ben and Darren chuckled, and Reeve and Tseng sort of blushed.

    "Do you need any help?" Tseng asked, a blush still shining on his cheeks.

    "You can grab the last box," Ben suggested, as he and Darren took several of the last.

    "Sure." He took the last one and followed the couple into their room.

    That left Reeve alone with Bryatt.

    "I hope he's not too much for you," the author said. "Bedroom wise, I mean."

    Reeve took a seat on the couch, still blushing. "My drive's about on par with his. I can keep up."

    Bryatt sat too as he commented, "He's *good* isn't he."

    Looking up at the other man, Reeve just kind of blinked. "Uh....yeah. Yeah, he's amazing."

    "Look, I've been with him," he said plainly. "I don't know if he told you, but we used to date awhile back."

    "Oh. He didn't tell me."

    "He's so happy with you--and I'm so glad." He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, unable to make eye contact suddenly. "You see, I love him. I love him like you love him, and he knows this. He doesn't feel the same, but I don't mind as long as he's happy." He met eyes with the older man. "I'm sorry you had to hear it from me."

    "No, it's all right," Reeve assured him.

    "He wouldn't try to hide it. He just hasn't gotten a chance to tell you that."

    Reasonable. "That's fine." His eyes came upon the doorway where his love had disappeared. "There's a lot I don't know."

    "Like what, love?" The young editor returned, the couple behind him.

    "Bryatt told me," he said honestly. "About you two."

    Tseng nodded and he came to sit on his lover's lap. "I would have told you. Soon," he assured him.

    "I know." Reeve smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you." He wrapped his arms about his waist.

    Tseng blushed.

    "So what is it you want to know?" Ben took Darren by the hand and led him to the couch, where they both took a seat. "I'm sure there's a lot Tseng hasn't told you, and since we're all going to be living here, I think it's only fair that you get your curiosity satisfied."

    Reeve thought a moment. "Well... I know Tseng is 23. What about the rest of you?"

    "Tseng's the baby, and the pretty one." Bryatt smiled at his friend. "I'm 24."

    "I'm 26," Darren admitted, "And Ben is 29."

    "Tell me I'm not the oldest anymore," Ben practically pleaded.

    "Sorry, you are," Reeve admitted with a chuckle. "I'm 28."

    "Oh, I'm so old," Ben sighed in fake frustration.

    Darren nuzzled him. "I love you anyway."

    Bryatt sighed.

    Reeve ran a hand up and down Tseng's thigh. "Have you all dated one another?"

    "No," the three answered in unison.

    "Ben and I never dated," Bryatt said as he crossed his legs.

    "And Tseng and I never *technically* went out." He smiled at the younger man as he added, "But we used to fool around when we were kids."

    Tseng giggled and added, "We couldn't keep our hands off each other back then."

    "Here's an interesting situation for you," Bryatt said logically, blue eyes sparkling as he spoke to Reeve. "The two of them, both of whom almost always insist on being on bottom, having sex. Who's on top?"

    "Me," Darren said dully, raising his hand a little. "I got you to fuck me, what, twice?"

    "After you begged for an *hour*," Tseng added with a grin.

    "You fucked me fast enough," Reeve muttered with a smile.

    Turning a little, Tseng kissed the top of his head and murmured seductively, "Well, I *love* you..."

    "Speaking of loving you... I have a call to make..." Reeve gave Tseng's leg a pat.

    "Oh, yes, your father." He hopped off Reeve's lap and let him stand. "I'll let you do that in private."

    "It's getting late anyway," Bryatt said, stretching. "I think I'm gonna turn in. I'm so tired all of the sudden."

    "Don't overexert yourself, Bryatt," Darren warned. "You've been working too hard lately. Take it easy."

    "Thank you, Dr. Darren." The author got to his feet and grinned at his ex. "You're not my boyfriend. No more worrying over me."

    "Oh, don't be stupid."

    But Bryatt just brushed him off with a wave of his hand as he went down the hall to his bedroom. Darren sighed in annoyance.

    "What's the matter?" Ben frowned and observed his lover's unhappy expression.

    "He's been *so* tired lately," he admitted, still looking thoroughly unhappy. "I'm scared one of these days he just might collapse."

    "He'll be okay," Tseng interjected, causing the couple to look at him. "He's Bryatt. He's always full of energy."

    Ben agreed, but Darren silently watched the door where his friend had disappeared, not feeling sure at all.

    Reeve picked up the PHS and dialed it with a confident grin. This was a conversation he had been playing out in his head for awhile now, ever since he left that first message on his father's machine. And now he was going to play it out.


    "Hi! Dad! It's me!"

    "Reeve? Finally! Gods, son, what got into you?? What happened?"

    "I believe I told you that already." He was still grinning as he got out of his chair, walking several paces across the room. His father was going to be so happy for him, he just knew it.

    "What's this about getting married? Who is she?"

    "It's not a she, dad," he revealed easily.

    There was a heartbeat of a hesitation on the other end. "What?"

    "It's not a woman I fell in love with," he explained, his grin fading as he was a little surprised by the sharp edge to his father's question. "It's a man. His name is Tseng, and I know you---"

    "A man?!?!" The disgust was written all over the older man's voice and Reeve froze in place, feeling both the color and confidence drain from his body, a cold emptiness filling him up. "You're going to marry another *man*?"

    "Yes," whimpered Reeve, his mind gone blank.

    "Are you mad?? Just what are you, Reeve? What kind of son did I raise? You give up the job of a lifetime so you can marry a *man*?? Just who is this I'm talking to?"

    Reeve hand shook, and he felt the beginnings of tears begin to well up in his eyes. "But, father, I didn't think you would react this-- I *love* him, father--"

    "Bullshit you love him," he snapped back, the roughness of his very voice causing Reeve to flinch. "What you want to be an outcast?"

    A tear spilled down Reeve's cheek, and he bit his lip to keep from crying. What happened to the perfect conversation he had heard in his head, the one where his father was happy and congratulated him? Didn't he know his own father anymore?

    "Look, Reeve, come home, and maybe you can get another shot at that job. Don't be a fool. This isn't what you really want and you know it. I have to go. Talk to you soon."

    And then his father hung up.

    Reeve dropped the PHS like it had bitten him and stared at it in horror.

    This isn't what you really want...

    But I thought I knew the second I saw him that that's what I wanted...

    Maybe you were wrong...

    But I... But I was so sure. I mean, I *love* Tseng.


    He heard the door open behind him, and quickly Reeve bent to scoop up the PHS, wiping the tears from his eyes as he did so. I will not cry.... I will not cry....

    "Hey, sweetie, how did the call go?" Tseng came up behind him and wrapped two strong arms around his waist.

    Normally Reeve would have leaned back into the comfort of those arms, but instead he simply stood there, frozen. "Fine," he lied.

    "I'm going to call mine," mumbled Tseng, beginning to place kisses along Reeve's jaw. "I know my parents will want to meet you as soon as possible. What did you father say?"

    "He's happy," Reeve lied again, clenching his fist tight around the PHS as he thought back to that horrible conversation. This isn't what you really want.... "Just fine."

To Be Continued....