Remnants of the Past

life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
-Anais Nin

  A few hours went by before Reeve and Tseng decided that they could go long enough without one another to get up and dress. The entire morning had drifted away in kisses and cuddles, and two perfectly content human beings.

    "Tseng, you're so beautiful it's not fair to everyone else."

    The young man smiled as he ran a brush through his hair several more times before putting the object down. "Stop flattering me, Reeve. You'll give me an ego."

    Reeve came over, wrapped his arms about the former Turks waist, and placed several light kisses to his neck. "Well it's the truth. You could be a model."

    "I could not."

    "You could so." He looked up, catching sight of the two of them so close together, smiling there in the mirror. The picture seemed so impossibly perfect to Reeve that he couldn't help but gasp. "Gods, why are you mine?" he mumbled, burying his head in Tseng's shoulder, and tightening his arms around the other man's waist.

    "Because I love you. Reeve..." he whispered the name, turning in his arms and lifting Reeve's chin up. "All I've ever wanted was to be is yours."

    "I love you too." A smile curled at his lips, and he quickly nipped at kiss at the other man's nose. "Would you like to venture outside?"

    Tseng took Reeve's hand, holding it firmly in his own. "I'll follow you anywhere."

    Reeve couldn't say anything to that. There just seemed to be no words at all for what he needed to say. So he answered in actions, kissing Tseng's hand while keeping eye contact with him. "Let's go," he whispered, his voice failing him at the moment.

    The former Turk gave his lover's hand a reassuring squeeze, and together they stepped into the sunlight.

    Rufus Shinra was standing outside, alone, leaning against the railing and looking down at the deserted street below. He was trembling, but he didn't know why. It wasn't cold, the air was warm, but he felt sick, he felt ill, he felt miserable.

  You'll get used to it... You'll get used to it... He drew a shaky breath. You'll learn to love him. It'll turn out okay, it will. It will be better than having no one at all...

    He heard footsteps pounding up the steps. Turning, his eyes widened to see Tseng and Reeve, hand in hand, coming up the steps. "What the fuck...?"

    "Hi, Rufus," Reeve said completely casual, as if he wasn't standing there holding hands with another man.

    "What the fuck?!" he said, louder, taking a step or two forward. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to make sure he was seeing things right. He was. "What the hell?!"

    Reeve held up their hands, a smile playing on his lips. "Confused?"

    "Is this some kind of joke?" snapped Rufus, Jenova fused eyes narrowing, as two fists clenched at his side. "Because it's not funny."

    "It's not a joke," Reeve said quite seriously, not expecting Rufus to get this mad. "Tseng and I back together."

    "*Back* together?" Rufus blinked, completely confused now. "What world is this??? You're married to Bria!!"

    Reeve briefly explained the circumstances as plainly as he could, watching Rufus' face turn redder and redder, as if he were to explode.

    "You and Bria are getting a divorce?" the former President, struggling to remain calm. His fist shook slightly as it was slightly drained of blood.

    Reeve nodded.

    "So Bria is..." he trailed off.

    Reeve nodded again.

    Rufus put a hand to his head, but he said nothing.

    The lovers exchanged a look of concern before Tseng ventured, "Rufus?"

    The hand at his hand shook with a single violent jerk before he put it down again, eyes shutting tight. "I can't."

    "But Bria wants you," Reeve insisted. "She loves you."

    "I know!" he snapped, as if he was trying to hold back tears. "I know, and I..."

    "You do love her, you do." Reeve's eyes were hard, boring into the blonde, but Rufus wasn't looking back.

    "I'm with Cloud." He sounded pained to say it.

    "But you don't love him, Rufus," Tseng said gently.

    Blue eyes flew open, tears sparkling in the sunlight as he set his eyes in a firm glare. "What do you know?"

    "I know alot," Tseng snapped, glaring right back. "I *was* him once!"


    "I *know* what it feels like to love someone with all your heart and soul and *not* be loved back! It hurts!" He looked at Reeve, losing the composure of stone he had held not a minute before.

    "I love you." Reeve kissed his hand before he turned to Rufus. "Look, Rufus, I've been in your position before. It doesn't help anyone."

    "But you love Tseng," Rufus pointed out.

    "I know." And he looked at his younger lover as he spoke. "But I loved him before we were even together. I just...didn't know it."

    "What do you know about me?" He crossed his arms and pouted. "I could be bi like you are for what you know." He looked at Reeve.

    "You're not," Reeve said firmly.

    "I'll prove you wrong!" He set his jaw and in a second he had Tseng by the wrist and jerked him forward, pressing their lips together.

    Tseng's eyes were wide for the two seconds his lips were touching Rufus'. Reeve immediatly freaked out at the site and jerked Tseng away, slipping a protective arm around the former Turk's waist and glaring at Rufus. "What the hell was that?!"

    Tseng couldn't speak.

    "Making a point!" snapped Rufus.

    "Well you just don't go around kissing other people's lovers!" Reeve snapped, holding Tseng ever closer. "How would you like it if I just went up and kissed Cloud??"

    "I wouldn't car--" Rufus started, but he stopped when he say Reeve give him a knowing look. He closed his lips and hung his head. *Caught*.

    "You wouldn't care, because you don't love him."

    The blonde covered his eyes with his hands, gulping air and trying not to cry. "I don't want to hurt Cloud. He... He was the only one who..." he couldn't go on.

    Tseng looked at Reeve, who nodded without a word, as the two exchanged what they needed to say with their eyes. The former Turk then approached the man who once stood high as President and took him into his arms.

    Rufus collapsed into tears, holding onto Tseng, head buried deep in his shoulder as he wept. He was pat on the back reassuringly, and Tseng waited until he had calmed down a bit to speak with him.

    "Cloud just wants you to be happy, Rufus. Anyone who loves anyone just wants them to be happy. Not miserable. And you're not happy. I'm sure he knows this, and it hurts him very much. Tell him the truth. It will be the best thing you ever did."

    Reeve came up and put a hand on Tseng's shoulder, prompting the younger man to look at him as he spoke. "You still love Bria, don't you."

    Rufus looked up, his face streaked with tears, and he managed to nod, barely.

    "Go tell Cloud how you feel," he encouraged. "Then go see Bria. You know what you want, Rufus. Do it."

    He wiped away his tears as a determination set in. "You're right." They are. They know better than you do, it seems. You have a chance now--the chance you wanted! Remember the way it was supposed to be? It can be that way again! "I'm done with being a hypocrite. I can't afford to be dishonest with those I care about." He took a deep breath and took a few steps back, redefining himself once again. "Thank you. Both of you. I don't know how to thank you."

    "You don't have to. Not stop standing there and go!" Reeve ordered with a laugh.

    Rufus flashed a smile, feeling as good as new again. "I'm going. I owe you both, okay?"

    And he was off.

    Tseng laughed lightly as Reeve embraced him, causing the older man to lift an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

    "Nothing, really," he shook his head, smiling widely. "I don't know, I'm just so...happy." Wow. "Yeah..." he pressed against Reeve, teasingly bringing his face closer so his breath whispered over the other man's lips. "I just feel so *good*."

    "Me too." Reeve licked his lips and contemplated leaning forward just a bit to kiss him, but he held back and asked instead, "Are you going to kiss me?"

    Still smiling, he teased him, *almost* bringing their lips together but then he pulled back again and said innocently, "Did you want me to?"

    Reeve was *dying* but instead he decided to play back and he backed away as if he was just going to continue on his way. "No, I was---"

    But he was jerked back, and in a moment his lips were on Tseng's, and the former Turk had lost at his own game. And they were lost in each other, as they always were, before they parted reluctantly.

    "That wasn't funny." But Tseng had a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

    "Neither was what you pulled." He gave him another quick kiss. "You tease."

    "You horny old man." It was followed by laughter.

    "And you're how old again? Thirty? I wouldn't call *that* young."

    "All right, you got me, you got me." His hand was entwined with Reeve's. "So what now, my love?"

    "Now..." he murmured, taking Tseng's other hand and kissing the inside of his wrist dramatically, "You get your things, I'll get mine, then we'll move into our apartment, after which I'll strip you, kiss every inch of your beautiful body, and fuck you till dawn."

    Tseng moaned very softly, watching Reeve devour the inside of his wrist with his lips. "Sounds like a good plan."

    He looked up, and they met eyes. "We have all the time in world."

    "Yes," Tseng breathed, as Reeve leaned in to kiss him again. "Forever."

  There really was nothing to holding a baby. Reno found it rather easy, once he got the hang of it. Just be very careful to support the head. Reno could have been a father himself.

    If he knew himself anymore.

    "There." Bria laid down the other twin with a smile. "Nap time."

    Reno smiled too. "Damn, they are good kids."

    "They are." A moment more at her children and then her eyes were on Reno. "You're very kind to offer to help me. I can handle them without a problem, but an extra hand is always welcome."

    "You're welcome, Bria. I don't mind. Least I can do till..." he trailed off, not sure how to finish, and he followed her into the sitting room, where they both took a seat on the couch. "Well, I'm surprised he didn't say nothin' before. I mean, I knew about 'em and all, so it don't come of much as a shock to me."

    "He told you about his relationship with Tseng?" the young woman raised an eyebrow, clearly shocked. "I thought he was secretive about it."

    "He was. I found out by accident." He grinned at the memory. "I walked in on them kissing."

    "Oh, I see." A slight blush came to her pale cheeks. "Well they've been in love a long time. I'm glad Reeve can finally be himself."

    Himself... "Uh, Bria, can I ask you a question?"

    "Sure, Reno. What is it?"

    He leaned forward, took a breath, and began. "Okay, let's say there's this guy. And this guy has a sister who he hasn't seen in a long time, and this guy really loves his sister and he wants to be with her, and she wants to be with him and all that, but he knows that if he stays with his sister, all the bad things he's done will rub off on her and make her all hated him like him even though she's done nothin' wrong. And now that he doesn't have his job anymore, nothing seems right and he doesn't really feel like he even knows what he is anymore, ya know? So..." he paused a moment to lick his lips. "What should this guy do?"

    She crossed her legs in silence, thinking for a moment. "I think you should get your sister."

    He blinked in surprise, leaning back. "Guess I can't fool ya, huh?"

    Shaking her head with a smile, she told him nicely, no.

    "But don't wanna screw up her life like I did to mine," he said, sounding desperate. "But it's been killin' me till I don't know what to do at all anymore."

    "Reno, listen to me." Her tone was gentle. "I searched for my brother Zack for many years. And the whole time I was looking for him, I didn't care what he had become. I just wanted to be with him because he's my *brother* and I love him." Their blue eyes met. "Families need each other, Reno. It doesn't matter how the circumstances are."

    He couldn't tear his eyes away from hers a moment, as so much more made sense. "I... I do need her."

    "See?" she smiled a little.

    "I'm such an *idiot*!" he tangled a hand in his unruly head of hair as he stood up. "I gotta lot to think about now."
He toook two steps towards the door before he turned back, with an expression like he had a million things to say but not one clue how to say them. "....Thanks."

    "You're welcome." She was smiling completely now.

    Reno grinned back, giving her his trademark sideways smile before he grabbed the door handle and was gone.

    Bria sighed and was just going to lie down when she heard a knock at the door. "It's open!" Reno back so soon?

    The door opened just a little, and Bria could see Reeve's shadow with his hand on the knob, turning to face another person.

    "Honey, she's not going to kill you," he was saying. "How many times do I have to tell you this was mutual?"

    Bria couldn't help chuckling as she got back to her feet and went to the door. "Hi, Reeve. Hi, Tseng." She opened the door completely, dragging Reeve with it.

    "Whoa!!" he stumbled, coming inside, and both Tseng and Bria tried not to laugh while he composed himself. "Geez, you startled me." He looked from his soon to be ex to his now reunited lover. "Well?"

    Tseng and Bria looked at each other.

    "I--" Tseng started.

    But she held up a hand to stop him. "It's fine. Please, you don't need to say anything. Come in."

    She shut the door, and Reeve went in the other room to get his stuff. Tseng just stood there, feeling like he didn't really belonged. He fidgited, wishing Reeve would hurry.

    Luckily, Bria broke the silence. "Did you talk to Rufus?"

    "Rufus? Yes. He should be on his way shortly." He managed a tight smile.

    "Oh... Oh wow." She ran a hand through her curly black hair and went into the other room with Reeve.

    Tseng still didn't know quite what to do with himself.

    "Here." A second later Bria was coming out of the room, holding one of the babies and an accompanying bag that went with the baby. "Reeve volunteered to watch one of the children tonight." Tseng slid the bag over his shoulder and accepted the baby in his arms. "This is Tseng." She smiled at him as she stepped back.  "Only right you get to take care of him."

    He smiled at her and then looked down at the baby, who yawned and snuggled up to him. "I'm still in awe."

    "He likes you."

    Tseng looked up to see Reeve leaning in the doorway, suitcase in hand.

    "Then again," smiled Reeve. "Who wouldn't?"

    A smile and he asked, "Are you ready, Reeve?"

    "I am." He kissed his soon to be ex-wife on the cheek as he passed her by. "We'll leave you to a soon to be arriving Rufus."

    "Thank you," she whispered.

    "It was the least I could do."

    Tseng didn't say anything.

    Bria gave them a tiny wave as she left. Then she went to the couch and laid down.

    /"Cloud, I'm.... I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you."

    "It's... It's okay... I knew it all along... I just... I just didn't want to believe it."

    "For what it's worth, I really appreciate you.......*being* there for me."

    "Well, I do *love* you, Rufus."

    "I... I wish I could say the same."

    ".....As long as you're happy. ...You'll still be my friend."

    "If you ever need *anything*, please, I *do* owe you."

    "Think nothing of it, please. I was only doing what I wanted."/

    He would never forget the face of complete disappointment that had crossed Cloud's face. And even though Rufus was hurting deeply too, he had to shake it. That part of his life was over. He was sure now. He knew where to go.

    Did he really?

    What would Bria say? What would she want? What did he want? He had been repressing his feelings for so long that when she opened the door for him, would he instantly remember?

    ....How she saved him in the church....

    ....How she saved him from the creature from the swamp...


    "It means we look out for each other. We don't have to be friends, but we have to be there."

    "I like that."/

    I want to be more than your friend... I want to be everything...

    /"I can't. I love you both and---"/

    I've only ever loved you, Bria. Really, truly. No one but you. You showed me what love *was*. How could I give you up? I thought got cocky, I guess. Thought I could find someone else. Did I really do it for Reeve? Somehow I don't think so.

    /"I *love* you, Bria."/

    I meant it. I still mean it. And I'll say it a million times, and never let you go. How could I have ever let you go in the first place? None of us knew what we were doing then. Just following the plan, sorting out our lives, but it was coming out so wrong... But we can set it right again. I know it, I feel it. If you and I get a chance...

    He was at her door now, shaking. He didn't know what to say. He didn't have a clue. But he knocked anyway.

    Within moments the door was swung open, and there she was.

    Never had she looked more beautiful. Her black hair cascaded over her shoulders, constrasting her pale skin. Blue eyes holding a blank sparkle, as if she knew what she wanted, but not what she need.

    Just as he did.

    For a moment, only silence passed between them.

    "Bria..." he spoke her name, then stopped.

    "Hello, Rufus," she whispered.

    At that moment their eyes met, and they met the way they used to, when he could love her, and she could love him back. And suddenly, he knew exactly what to say.

    "I love you."

    "I love you too."

    He had never been more honest in his life, and his eyes did not break from hers as he spoke. "I never want to leave you side. Not ever again. I need you. I really *need* you."

    "This feels right," she said. "Just looking at you...knowing I..." her voice trembled. "Now I *know*... I know you're the only one I was ever meant to be with."

    He couldn't say another word, but he didn't need to. Rufus Shinra just swept Bria into his arms, and he finally had the one thing he always wanted.

  Vincent was tending to the bar, and quite happily so when Reeve and Tseng entered. There were several patrons leaving as the couple entered, Reeve holding the baby now. 'Angel's Kiss' was getting ready to close for the evening, the hour being close to eight. There was not enough staff to keep the bar running much later than that yet.

    "Did we do good business?" Reeve asked once the door had shut behind him and the three former employees of the Shinra company were alone in the room.

   "We did," answered Vincent. He looked at Tseng. "I heard."

    "Let me guess, it was Reno." Tseng smiled, and he walked over to the older man. "Don't worry, I don't think Reeve will mind." He came around to the front of bar, leaned over the counter, and kissed Vincent deeply.

    Reeve almost dropped his suitcase, the bag and the baby. "Tseng!! First Rufus, now Vincent!?!"

    "Rufus wasn't my choice," the young man quipped as he broke away.

    "You must excuse me," Vincent apoligized, turning to Reeve with a sort of smile that only he could manage. "He kisses just like Sephiroth."

    Green eyes widened wider than usual for a moment, as realization swept over him. "Oh, I see. Well then, I don't mind too much. As long as he saves some kisses for me."

    "I'll kiss you all you like," Tseng promised, kissing Reeve as he passed him by, lifting the baby from his arms. "Shall we put the baby to sleep and then clean up?"

    "Sounds good." He started to follow his lover, speaking to Vincent as he did so. "You can go home, Vincent. We'll take care of everything."

    The ebony haired man nodded once. "I shall see you tomorrow then."

    The crimson eyed former Turk then left the bar behind, pleasant memories of Sephiroth bringing a smile to his face.

    Hours had passed. He had only cried a little. He knew it was coming. He knew it.

    Then why was he still upset?

    It was near midnight when he knocked on Tifa's door. She had always been there for him, hadn't see? He was sure he would let him lean on her now, now a time when he needed her most.

    She opened the door alert, as if she had been sitting up and not preparing for bed at all.

    "There's nothing wrong with me, is there?"

    "What?" her ruby colored eyes blinked in confusion. "Is something wrong, Cloud?"

    She stepped aside and let him come in. He went straight for the bed and sat upon it, hanging his head. "I hope I didn't wake you."

    "You didn't." She sat behind him. "What happened?"

    "Rufus... It didn't work out. He's going back to Bria."

    "I see." Tifa pressed her lips together. She had heard about Reeve and Tseng from Reno. "I'm sorry."

    "Ever since Zack died, I--ah, it seems like I'll never find anyone. Like no one will ever love he did."

    "Oh, I don't know, Cloud..." she sighed, placing her head upon his shoulder. "I think there's someone who loves you...right here."

    His blue eyes, infused with Jenova but still every bit as human, widened first before he turned and looked upon her. "Oh Tifa. I do, but I... But I can't."

    She closed her eyes and whispered, "I know."

    He felt strangely at peace a moment as he turned to the window again, hearing a distant clock strike the hour of midnight. Through the pane of glass he could see the night sky, as brilliant as the night they had made the promise at the well. If only life were that simple, and he could love Tifa back, just as she always loved him. Yes, the stars were just as brilliant now.

    Except for the thick cloud of smoke that seemed to be drifting across the sky, obscuring the view.

    A brow furrowed as curiousity peaked. "What the...?" He got up; went over to the window.

    "What is it?" Tifa's ruby eyes were just as confused.

    The curtain pulled back and he glanced out, searching for the source of the mysterious smoke.

    And within the span of instant, the world was spun on it's edge. "OH MY GOD!"

    Tifa was on her feet, panicking. "What?! What is it?!"

  The clock was about to chime tweleve o'clock.

    Vincent Valentine was soundly asleep, and he saw angels in his dream.

    Or, one angel in particular.

    Silver hair spilled over broad, bare shoulders, green eyes that were electric but without the slightest hint of any sharpness. The delicate muscular skin that seemed to contradict itself with it's unbelievable power and inmistakeable beauty. It was Sephiroth just as he remembered him. Just as he hadn't seen him in years, even in the escape of the dream world.

    "Angel..." he reached out with his hand, touching strands of feathery silver. It felt real, looked real, but all the same he knew it was not so, and that he would wake up, alone again.

    "My love..." Sephiroth reached out, and took Vincent's remaining hand, entwining their fingers. "I miss you."

    "I seem empty without you, my angel," the crimson eyed man breathed as the other man drew him close. "I love you."

    "I love you too, Vincent. I am sorry for ever forgetting that."

    "It is all right. I too almost forgot." He reached out and stroked that perfect cheek. "My angel. My Sephiroth."

    "You are alive for a reason." The young man nuzzled into that familiar hand. "You always did have all the answers, my Vincent."

    "I know not what you speak of." He looked upon his lost lover for direction.

    "You will know it, my love. You will know what to say when the time has come." A smile passed his perfect lips.

    "Will I know too, when I will finally see you again?" he whispered, his face drawing ever closer to Sephiroth's.

    "You will. And I will be waiting for you, my Vincent. Waiting for that day when I can hold you in my arms for real again."

    Vincent shuddered, sighing as he felt Sephiroth's breath whisper on his lips. It seemed too real to be a dream. "Oh my angel..." the words were barely spoken, but almost just exhaled in a breath.

    "But now you have a life to live, Vincent. Do not forget that."

    "Oh, let me kiss you..." he shut his eyes, leaning closer.

    "Go to those who need you most. I will be waiting..."

    His eyes opened in the dark, in the real world, and there he was, in his bed as the clock struck twelve.

    Something felt unsettling. Unsettling after such a pleasant dream?

    Oh my angel, why have you woken me?

    He got up, and went to the window.

    And instantly, he knew why.

 It was quite late to be up reading, but Ben just wasn't tired. Now that he knew Tseng was gone, and that he could never be with again, well, he felt a sense of loss. But true sadness just wouldn't come to him. Perhaps then, it simply was not meant to be. Perhaps his true love was still out there, somewhere.

    He was sitting by the window his book resting forgotten on his lap. Instead he turned to glance out the window, wondering if it was possible that the person he had been searching was looking out some other window far away at this same moment and looking at this same star.

    Only this star seemed barely visible, veiled in a cloud of smoke.

    The clock struck twelve as Ben stood in confusion, the book falling from his lap and carelessly onto the floor, landing with a sound that was unheard by ears now preoccupied with fear.

  A walk was good for clearing one's head. The air was chilled, but Rude wasn't cold. He was lost in his thoughts, thinking about Reno, trying to figure him out. There was much unspoken between them, and much Reno didn't know about his best friend's past. A past Rude was not willing to speak of. Every time he even thought about it, it sent him into the deepest despair.

    It should never have happened.

    Reno didn't know who he was? Rude sometimes wondered how he knew himself at all, having a life he never bargained for, and a name that wasn't his own. But Oron was dead anyway. To everyone else, and to himself. But despite the consquences and the name of a dead man he never even met for a title, he was himself. He could think for himself and he knew what he wanted.

    He wanted to be free.

    And he was, wasn't he? No one to take orders from, no one he owed. He was done paying. Finished. He had to be.

    It was almost.....surreal.

    Rude looked up at the sky. Some night for a walk.

    But something didn't feel right.

    He sniffed the air, frowning, and sniffed it again. Smoke, a scent that was all to familiar to him.

    Smoke. Smoke meant fire. Fire meant destruction. Destruction meant death.

    Rude set off in a run. He had to find the source.

  Reno hung up the PHS with a downcast look and a defeated sigh.

    She was gone.

    The day she had turned eighteen she had packed up her things and gone, not even saying where she was headed off to.

    He had lost his chance.

    Now he may never see her again.

    Reno leaned against the wall and rubbed a hand across his temple. There was such a weight lying in his chest that he was surprised he could stand anymore. And his limbs were shaking so bad he was surprised that he *still* could not cry.

    Oh god, if this isn't sadness, then what will it take?!?!?! I'm fucked up... I'm so fucked up... He dug his fingers into his skin, his jaw clenched. How much dumber can I get, Trini? I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry... But your brother's an asshole anyway. Maybe Bria was *wrong*. Maybe we are better off apart...

    There was a hard knock at his door, and Reno looked up, startled. Who could it be at this hour?

    "Reno!!" It was Cloud, and he sounded frantic. "It's an emergency!! Hurry up!!"

    There was a tightening in his chest again. But this time it was for a different reason.

  Rufus held Bria closer and mumbled something in his sleep. Whoever was knocking at the door could go to hell.

    She stirred, opening her eyes and looking around, still dazed from sleep. "Who's knocking?"

    "Who cares," mumbled Rufus.

    "What if there's something wrong?"

    He didn't say anything. He hadn't thought of that.

    She got up and threw some clothes on, making Rufus do the same. Then they went and answered the door.


    "You guys gotta come--quick!!!"

    Two sets of blue eyes widened. "What?! What is it!!"

    "No time to explain!! Hurry!!!"

    So they just ran.

  "It's late," Tseng sighed, leaning against the bar. "You take any longer and it'll be dawn before we even get undressed."

    Reeve chuckled, running a sponge over the counter. "Sorry, dear. I didn't know it would take that long to unpack everything."

    "There's always the morning." Tseng smiled, and he went and sat on one of the stools across from Reeve, crossing his legs and giving him his most seductive look. "You know, if you feel you're too tired."

    Green eyes glanced up, and a smile appeared on his lips as Reeve dropped the sponge. "I'm never too tired for you, baby."

    They leaned across the bar to steal a kiss when suddenly Tseng stopped and froze, his eyes opening in alarm.

    Reeve frowned. "What?"

    Tseng didn't answer, he just got up and took a few steps, listening intently and sniffing the air a bit.

    "What??" demaned Reeve, a pit of fear growing in his gut. He came over to Tseng and took him by the shoulders. "What's wrong?" He shook him, panic rising.

    "Oh shit." Tseng looked pale, and he wavered a bit, as if he was going to pass out.

    "Oh shit what?! What do you--" and he cut off his own words as smoke tickled him under the nose. Then he just froze, as if he was dead on his feet. "Oh *shit*!" he released Tseng's shoulders and went to the stairs, absolute terror overtaking him as he saw the smoke billowing down from the top floor in heavy clouds. "OH SHIT!"

    Tseng came over, still pale and drawn, and he looked at what Reeve did without a word. Oh...mother....

    "The baby!!!" Reeve turned to Tseng, grabbing him. "Ohmgod, the baby's up there!!!" He drew a breath, shakily. "I have to get him!"

    He took a step, but Tseng grabbed his sleeve. "No, Reeve."

    "NO!? Are you crazy!? I know it's dangerous, but that's my kid!!" He tried to pull away.

    "I'll go." He pulled Reeve away effortlessly, and drew a shaky breath as he looked up at where the familiar waves of gray were floating down from. He could hear the flickering of flames, and he knew he didn't have much time. "I'll go." I survived it once...

    "Are you crazy?!?!?!?!?!?!" snapped Reeve, grabbing his sleeve. "You're scared of fire, Tseng. You can't do it."

    "I won't let you go, Reeve!" He turned, meeting eyes with the other man. Reeve looked scared, and his eyes were tearing, though probably from the smoke. Tseng's were tearing too. "I love you. I'll go."

    "No..." Reeve pleaded, voice shaking. "I--I don't want you to."

    Tseng shut his eyes. He couldn't look anymore. He could hear the flickering of the flames. "I won't take no for an answer. Now go get help. There's no time!"

    "I love you." From the sound of Reeve's voice, he was already crying. "Be *careful*, Tseng." He pressed a kiss besides his love's eye, tasting his tears. "I love you so much."

    The former Turk stood there shaking, but he couldn't say anything, or move, or even open his eyes until he knew Reeve was gone.

    He could hear the baby crying.

    I won't let another die like they did. He turned, able to see the flames now. They seemed to mock him, daring him to go in. He was shaking so bad he was surprised he could stand, but somehow he took the deepest breath he could manage and dashed up the stairs, the spreading flames licking at his heels.

  Reeve emerged in tears, stumbling, the smoke still stinging his eyes. He nearly fell, but someone caught him. His eyes stayed shut.

    "Reeve, where's the baby?"

  Bria? "Tseng...went to get him."


    "What happened?!?! Reeve, what the hell happened???"

    "I...I don't know..."

    "Oh, *fuck*!"

    "We'll check it out. C'mon, Rude." He heard footsteps dash off.

    Reeve sniffed back his tears, grabbing harder at whoever held him. He felt a claw on his shoulder. "Vincent..."

    "It will be okay." But he didn't sound sure. Not at all.

    Bria was sobbing. He could hear her. "Oh, my baby..."

    "Shush... Shush..." Rufus was trying to comfort her. "He'll be okay, Bria... If there's anyone you can trust, it's Tseng."

    Oh my love, why?? Why did you insist on going? You should have let me. It doesn't scare me as much as it does you...

    "Reeve, stand up. Open your eyes," Vincent said gently.

    And he did, albeit slowly. And there was Vincent. And there were Cloud and Tifa and Ben, watching in horror. And there was Bria, crying, as Rufus held her, eyes clenched as tightly shut as his jaw. Angry.

    Reeve turned and looked at the the building itself. The entire top floor had to be engulfed in flames now, and Reeve's heart froze, knowing that Tseng couldn't possibly be up there any longer. He would have to be dead...

    The smoke had concealed the sky, and the fire spread. Reeve didn't know if anyone had called for help, and he didn't care. All he wanted to see was Tseng, safe.

    "Oh god, my baby... My baby..." cried Bria, her tears falling harder.

    Ben came over; grabbed him by the shoulder. "He went up there? By choice?"

    Reeve just nodded. He had nothing he could say. If Tseng was dead...

    But just as he was clinging to his last shreds of hope, the door was flung open, and a figure came stumbling out, carrying a bulge under his jacket. Everyone watched silently as Tseng, his clothes and skin covered in the black of ash, coughed and went to Bria, at which point he pulled out a perfectly healthy baby and handed him to his awe struck mother. Bria sighed a thank you and held the cooing baby close. Tseng turned and locked eyes with Reeve a moment before he collapsed and landed with a thud on the ground.

    "Oh, GOD!" In a second everyone was croweded around him. His back had been badly burned and his breathing was coarse and uneven.

    "Get help!" Rufus shouted. "Hurry!"

    Tifa nodded and took off without a question.

    "Oh... Tseng..." sighed Ben, tears coming to his eyes.

    "Tseng, hang on okay?" Rufus pleaded. "We're going to get you a doctor.

    Vincent bowed his head and said nothing.

    Bria was crying still. "Tseng, thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you--god--beyond compare."

    "I....had to..." the former Turk answered quietly.

    Reeve felt the tears drip down his cheeks as he ran a hand through his love's black hair, a bit burned at the ends, and he lowered his face to the ground, putting their foreheads together. "You idiot..." he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. "You idiot..."

    "I had to..." Tseng whispered back.

    "I love you so much, Tseng..."

    "Oh... Reeve... My angel..." his hand fumbled for something to hold, and Reeve grasped it, trying to stop the shaking.

    "You can't die." Reeve's voice was shaking. "You can't. I won't let you."

    "I...don't want to... I happy....Reeve..."

    Reeve couldn't answer. He bowed his head and cried hard, losing all control of emotions. And some time during his hysterical sobbing, Tseng passed out.

  A hospital was needed, and since the closest one was located in Junon, they needed to enlist quick air transportation. Rufus told Cloud to call Cid, who picked them all up in the Highwind and took them to the harbor city right away.

    None of the former members of Shinra had ever been so thankful for Avalanche.

    Tseng was taken right away and tended to. The baby was examined as well, but he was perfectly fine.

    They were all assembled in a small waiting room now, silently waiting for some kind of news. Bria and Rufus, each with a baby on their lap, sat on the love seat.  Reno and Rude were against the wall, exchanging words with their eyes. Vincent stood against the other wall with Cloud and both had their arms crossed. Tifa paced. And Reeve was bent over in a chair, head buried in his hands, ever struggling to hold back tears as he worried.

    "Tseng..." sighed Bria finally, sadly shaking her head. "I owe him my life."

    "He better be fine," mumbled Rufus. "He better."

    Reeve choked back a sob.

    Rude gave Reno a particulary hard stare from behind the concealment of his sunglasses, and the read head reached into his pocket. "Hey, Rufus."

    The blonde looked up silently, and took the paper Reno offered. He unfolded it with haste. Bria gasped as the words were revealed, and Rufus' entire being twitched.

    It read in thick, black letters:


    Rufus stared at it in horror, unable to speak or even blink.

    "We found that in the back, taped to a can of propane," Reno revealed somberly. "We didn't.....really know how to tell you."

    The former President set his jaw and crumbled the paper into a ball and crushed it between his palms. "Fucking terrorists. Why can't they just leave us alone?! Weren't we trying?! We were trying!!" He hung his head. "Now there's nothing left."

    Reeve choked back yet another sob. His shoulders were shaking, and everyone looked at him pitingly.

    "Reeve," Bria said gently, unable to watch him sob himself into oblivian any longer. "Look up."

    And he did, wiping at his red eyes in embarassment. "......I'm sorry."

    "Don't apoligize."

    "It's just, if he dies--"

    Rufus cut him off. "Don't even say it."

    Everyone looked up as Ben returned, sullen faced. Reeve had been too racked with tears to fill out the paperwork, so Ben had taken care of it.

    "Any word?" asked Vincent.

    "No," Ben shook his head. Then he looked at Reeve. "Reeve."

    He burst into tears against as he got up, taking refuge in Ben's arms. The accountant tried his best to console the other man. It was hard as he too tried not to cry.

    They were all too preoccupied with Reeve's despair that none of them saw the doctor on his initial approach.

    He had to clear his throat rather loudly. "Ahem."

    They all looked over in unison.

    "You brought in the young man who had been in the fire?"

    "Yes," they all replied, but Reeve spoke loudest, breaking away from Ben and stepping towards the doctor.

    "Oh god," he said, "how is he?"

    "Heavilly medicated, but alive," he revealed. "He received some severe burns to his back and was suffering from smoke inhalation, but he'll heal. He's amazingly resiliant, and he should be able to go home soon."

    "Oh god," sighed Reeve, eyes filling with a different kind of tears. "Oh god. Oh thank god."

    "You can go in and see him, if you'd like," the doctor offered.

    Reeve, beyond speech, simply nodded his head and as the doctor went off he wordlessly followed.

    Silence engulfed them all for a moment, still sullen despite the pleasant news.

    Reno broke it, like he so often did, bringing lighthearted expressions to the faces of those gathered. "He's okay."

    Rufus was the only one to cry.

    The repetitive noises of the machines surrounding the hospital bed were not at all soothing Reeve, who sat by the bed, clasping the limp hand of his best friend. He instead chose to concentrate on the rise and fall of the young man's breath, which was even and steady. Absently he ran pale knuckles over with his fingers over and over again, waiting for any sign of conciousness from black eyes.

    "What would I have done if I lost you?" whispered Reeve, pressing a kiss to the hand he held gently in his grasp. "God, I don't even know... I don't even want to think of it--no, I can't." He bowed his head. "I would have never come out of my depression. My love... Imagine having you again only to be forced to let you go?  A horrible nightmare." A tear dropped off his cheek. I have so much to ask him--so much to tell him when he awakens, he thought with a sigh, letting a hand caress the smooth skin of Tseng's pale face, expressionless in sleep. Oh my love.... What to tell you first?

    The hand moved, clenching just slightly, and Reeve looked up, his heart leaping in euphoria. He watched transfixed as the black eyes he adored blinked open and squinted in the light. Not a word could pass his lips as Tseng finally set his eyes upon him again.

    Of all the things he wanted to say, he couldn't even think of one. "Ah..."

    "Reeve..." his voice was weak, but he managed a small smile, his dark eyes brightening. "I guess... I'm alive?" He sighed reflectively and murmured. "I've always been a hard one to kill."

    Reeve felt his chin start to tremble and he struggled back the tears. Still, he was beyond speech.

    The grip on his hand tightened a bit for a moment. Tseng was still weak, but that didn't stop him. "The baby is okay?"

    He nodded, wiping at the stray streaks of wetness.

    "Don't cry," sighed Tseng, moving over slightly in his bed and drawing Reeve down beside him. The older man sniffed back his tears, cuddling up to his young lover and wrapping two trembling arms about him. "I'm okay, Reeve. I'm okay. I said I wouldn't leave you, and I meant it."

    He shut his eyes, relaxing in the sound of Tseng's heartbeat in his ear. "I just... I got so scared...  *So* scared... I don't know what I would have done..."

    "Shush..." Tseng whispered, a hand gently stroking through Reeve's black hair. "I'm here. You don't need to think about it."

    "I love you," he whispered, voice still trembling. "I love you so much."

    "I know. I love you too." Tseng kissed the top of his head and then nuzzled against him with a contented sigh. "You never left my side, did you?"

    Reeve shook his head, finally able to begin to relax again. Tseng was here. He was alive. And he would get well again. And thanks to him, his son was safe. There was so much to be thankful for. "No..." the whispered fell from his lips as he felt himself grow suddenly tired. "And I never will again."

    Tseng slept alot, as the medication he was on made him drowsy. Reeve stayed by his side, snuggled there with him, falling in and out of sleep himself. Whenever he would wake up he would look at the peaceful face of his love and thank whatever god there was controlling the heavens for letting Tseng live.

    Somewhere towards mid afternoon Tseng woke again, and they talked and snuggled for awhile. Tseng was feeling a bit stronger than he had been, and their conversation ended up in quiet kisses, long and drawn out, as they simply enjoyed one another's company, not caring who the hell walked in.

    There was truth to that. Sometime in the midst of their kissing, Rufus, Reno, Vincent, Rude and Ben walked in quietly, undectected by the occupied couple. The five men exchanged questioning looks for a moment, wondering how exactly to get their attention without being rude.

    Rude cleared his throat loudly, causing them to break away and look at their audience.

    "Oh... hello," Tseng said in greeting, blushing a little. "It's nice to see you."

    "It's nice to see you alive," Rufus commented.

    "How are you feeling?" asked Ben.

    "Better," he answered, taking hold of Reeve's hand again. "I'm feeling stronger than I did when I first woke up."

    "I'm so glad you're okay," the accountant continued, breathing a sigh of relief. Then he turned to look at the other man, a knowing look appearing on his features. "And how are you holding up, Reeve?"

    Reeve smiled and kissed Tseng on the cheek. "I'm just fine."

    "I'm really glad you're doing okay, man," Reno spoke up, looking embarrassed as he hung his head before speaking again, "I don't think I ever told you how much I've always admired ya."

    Tseng blinked, finding this sudden news a bit shocking. "Oh... Oh, thank you, Reno."

    But the redhead could only nod as his eyes grew as red as his hair and he had to look away.

    "Me too," Rude blurted out, prompting nearly everyone to focus their eyes on the bald and usually quiet man. "You really mean a lot to me...and to all of us."

    No one aruged with that statement. They all simply looked back at Tseng, nodding their heads in agreement.

    He was shocked, simply put. Tseng looked back at them with a blank look that demenstrated just how this sudden knowledge affected him. "I..." he stuttered, not quite sure what to say right now. "I... I really didn't know..." His eyes came upon Reno, who had trembling hands placed over his eyes. "What's wrong, Reno?"

    The hands came away, and he gave Rude a quick glance. "You better show him, Rude."

    The bald man produced the paper that bore the unsettling message. "We found this in the back..."

    Tseng took it and glanced over the message a few times. Reeve looked over it once and then buried his head in Tseng's shoulder. The shaking of his own shoulders gave away the fact that he was crying. Tseng's own hand shook as well, and he dropped the paper, refusing to look upon it anymore. "Fuck," he spat, disgusted. "This is why I can never forgive myself."

    Reeve held him tighter as he cried.

    "You're not a bad person," Ben said.

    "But the things I've done..." he trailed off for a moment, swallowing a lump in his throat. "You wouldn't believe the horrible things... And I *know* I didn't *want* to..." he shut his eyes now, but the telltale signs of tears were forming in the corner of his eyes. "But the truth was, I had a choice. And I could have quit. But I didn't. Instead I stayed, and I did it, even though I *knew* it was wrong... If... If that doesn't make me bad..." He had to stop as the tears rolled free, and he held Reeve instinctively closer.

    Reno was looking at the ground, shaking like a leaf, his fists clenched. He could hear Tseng crying, and he could feel the tightening in his chest...

    Rude observed this and gently placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, saying softly, "It's okay, man."

    And Reno lost it. The flood of tears escaped. It was years worth of emotional release flowing over his scarred cheeks. There was no reason to hold back anymore. "God dammit," he choked. "How can I ever be with her?? She doesn't deserve a life with someone who's better off dead!" He fell into Rude's arms.

    Rude hugged Reno with a sigh, removing his sunglasses and squinting in the brightly lit room. "Oh, Reno... It's too much at once."

    Reeve had become increasingly hysterical throughout, and Tseng's own crying was not helping him calm down.

    "Stop it, Reeve," Rufus demanded, his own voice beginning to shake. "Stop it." He began to cry, feeling ashamed by the display. "Fuck it," he mumbled, covering his eyes. "What chance? We never had a *fucking* chance."

    Ben crossed his arms and hung his head.

    And Vincent observed them all silently. Reeve and Tseng, both sobbing and clinging to one another for support; Rude comforting a crying Reno, who was making up for so many lost tears; a quietly reflective Ben, and finally, a weeping Rufus Shinra, embarassed by his own human emotion. No. Shinra was not all bad... After all, here is my living proof. Oh, my angel... Is this what you meant to show me? My Sephiroth... Vincent took a step towards the younger men, men who were scared, who were wanting, who were wishing, and who were dreaming, dreaming of what maybe their lives could have been, had there been no Shinra. Ah yes. Isolationism. A feeling I knew well... A feeling you knew as well, my angel. Only it took us years to discover the truth. This was what you meant, isn't it? I have to make them understand...

    So Vincent took a breath. "Stop," he told them firmly.

    Slowly they all turned their attention to him, one by one. Ben, Rude, Reno, Reeve, Tseng and Rufus. They looked at him for comfort, wisdom, release and friendship, the four things they were starved for, four simple things to keep them going.

    Vincent had never been a man of many words, but he knew just what to say. "Look at us." And he looked at them as he said it. "We are the remnants of the past. The last men of Shinra, the last memory of an era the world wants to forget. Though we may dream of better days, society will not accept us. Not in our lifetime. People don't forgive so easily, as we have discovered. Though we have been branded as outcasts, we never *ever* have an excuse to be alone. Everyone standing here at this grave knows what it's like to be hared and ignored too. Whether we are together or miles apart we must never forget the men who suffered with us because of a company called Shinra Inc. Although we may feel weak and as though life has defeated us, we must never relent. Shinra destroyed everything it touched: people, places, even the planet. But it will not destroy us. We have our lives. Do not allow it's path of destruction to continue. Shinra will die with time, not with us."

    A period of silence followed, the only sound to be heard was the hum of the machines.

   "He's right," Reeve blurted out, wiping away his tears now. "The world may see us as being alone, but we're anything but that. Every one of us has someone who loves them, living or dead, Shinra or not." He looked at Tseng. "I love you."

    Tseng smiled, albeit shaky. "I love you too."

    "Maybe... I should find my sister," Reno whispered, his tears finally beginning to ebb.

    Rude patted him reassuringly on the back. "I think you should, man."

    "The lifesteam is everywhere," Ben reminded them all. "So even those of us who are dead, are with us."

    They nodded in agreement.

    The former President glanced at Vincent and was surprised to see tears coming down his pale face. "Vincent? Are you all right?"

    The former Turk nodded solemnly, a thin smile sneaking up at the corners of his mouth, "Yes, Rufus. ....I just wish Sephiroth would have understood what you've all realized."

    "Why's that?" questioned Tseng.

    "He thought he was alone," Vincent replied simply. With a sigh he shook his head. "He thought he was only a monster... He- he forgot I was always with him. As did I, for a time." He paused before quietly adding, "The years can do that to a person."

    During the silence that followed, a nurse informed them that visiting hours were over, and they would all have to leave.

    They all said their good-byes to Tseng, who would have to remain in the hospital for a few days more, more due to his own bravery than any terrorist act. They filed out quietly, but Vincent paused a moment to observe Reeve giving his love a long farewell kiss. And for a moment he could only stop and stare, finding such a comfort in the scene.

    "Come on, Vincent," Reeve said, blowing Tseng another kiss before he too left the room.

    "In a minute..." He turned, and looked at the injured man who lay in bed. "Could you...?" he asked quietly, feeling slightly sheepish.

    Tseng smiled and nodded, beckoning Vincent over. The older man came and leaned over, kissing him with his eyes closed tightly shut. And each time it had felt real, but this time it really *seemed* real. This time the feel of lips and tongue against his really made him think he was kissing his angel again, and it sent much more than a familiar feeling pulsing through his veins.



    They were both gasping as they drew away, and Tseng shook his head a little, as if trying to clear it. "That felt...different."

    "Yes," Vincent agreed, completely breathless. "It is." He paused, straightening up and regaining his composure. "Thank you, Tseng. We'll all be back to see you tomorrow."

    "Thank you, Vincent."

    "There's no need for that."

    Vincent stepped outside the room and headed for the steps, a feeling of peace sweeping over him. angel. You're not alone now, as you never were. And someday we will be together, you and I, my winged angel, forever and ever. But there's time until then, and I'm not through here yet. I will survive, Sephiroth. We will all survive.

    Out the glass doors at the bottom of the steps, Vincent Valentine could see the others gathered outside, smiling now as they talked under the bright sunlight. It brought a smile to his own lips, and Vincent wondered how anyone could ever lose hope. Because he knew seven men who had walked through the deepest, darkest hell anyone could ever imagine, and came out on top. They had been swallowed by evil and spat out shamed. But they would try again

     And there, on the grounds of that tiny hospital in a town they all knew, were seven men waiting to begin the next chapter of their lives. Lives beyond Shinra, beyond hate, and beyond lonlieness.

The End

(epilouge to come)